New Hart-Parr 1918 and 1919
Serial Number 8401 to 11499
Hart-Parr Oil Tractor decal used #8401 to 8425
New Hart-Parr decal used red letters #8425 to 9626
New Hart-Parr decal used (black letters) #9627 to 11499
Short exhaust pipe with muffler hanging under engine #8401 to 8698
Foot brake #8401 to 9279
Open flyball governor #8401 to 11331
Inside counterweights on crankshaft#8401 to 9527
Rear axle caps #8401 to 9409
Single bolt bull gear, bull gear is 2 ½ in. wide, instead of 3 in. #8401 to 10625
Flat bottom oiler used with two separate mounting brackets #8401 to 10329
Magneto bracket bolts down on one side only #8401 to 8655
Steering wheel #5501 (Little Devil part number) #8401 to ?
Front steering U-joint #5571 (Little Devil part number)#8401 to ?
Early New Hart-Parrs used a Little Devil fuel tank, with no ribs, etc #8401 to ?
Two spider gear differential #8401 to 9471
Flywheel, part #7351 #8401 to 9526
Transmission case cover without front hand hold cover #8401 to 8968
Threaded pin used to connect clutch fork to trans. Case #8401 to 8951
Right rear wheel is keyed to axle instead of left as on latter models#8401 to 11799
Hart-Parr "30" nameplate used, starts at #11500
Three different serial # tags used #8401 to 9626, 9627 to 11499, 11500 to 18474
New Hart-Parr fenders did not have any ribs, just flat with a rolled wire edge.
Early New Hart-Parr front end casting had triangle holes, later New Hart-Parrs were round
Early New Hart-Parrs crankcase was completely flat on top.
1918 New Hart-Parr tractors were painted gray with red wheels, and red
lettering, until late August of 1919. (NAPA #99L-1578 gray paint)
Early New Hart-Parr tractors had no horse power rating or model number on the tag.
The national Tractor Farming Demonstrations were held July 29-Aug. 2, 1918 at Salina, Kansas, a New Hart-Parr tractor #8695 was used for demonstration, at that time they called it a Hart-Parr "30". A Hart-Parr sales letter dated 4-13-18 calls for the new power rating of the New Hart-Parr tractors to be 15-30.